Regulatory Disclosures
Proxy voting
Asteria IM is a responsible investor, which implies defining voting guidelines for the exercise of the right to vote. The voting positions are defined in the long-term interest of shareholders, businesses and civil society.
Being an active shareholder can help protect the financial value of the funds invested by encouraging the deployment of good governance structures, and by promoting better environmental and social standards within companies.
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ESG Policy
As a long-term impact investment manager, we integrate environmental, social and governance issues in our investment process for all strategies. We see ESG as a complementary lens when selecting sustainable companies or projects.
We follow a best in class approach after excluding controversial activities and severe breaches of the Global Compact Principles. Finally, we consider being an engaged shareholder part of our responsibility and act where we think sustainable value can be added.
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SFDR Statements
These SFDR statements provide transparency to investors relating to our investment funds in the scope of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), as well as on the integration of sustainability risks and the consideration of principal adverse sustainability impacts.
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Climate change Policy
As an asset manager, our enabling role – “making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development” (as explicitly referred to in Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement) – confronts us to our responsibilities. Asteria IM’s climate pledge covers multiple actions defining our contribution to the climate transition.
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